Twenty Years

Twenty years have passed,
I have seen them floating by
Many more will come to be
And they too will pass me by...
Will I ever know why??

Things are different now
from those which were in the past
Everything changes with time
I wonder if something will last...
Which wind will next guide my sails, my mast??

Life's been pretty good so far
Don't know how, next, will it be
Will I have the courage to stand and fight??
Or will I, to death, flee???...
Wanna unlock the mystery to life, but where's the goddam key????

I try to reminisce and I wonder if
small things matter more than the big one's
I remember giving up hope when I lost 'em both
I remember it wasn't just once...
I'll remember it wasn't just once...

An afternoon with a Cigarette

He stands
at a crossroad
Doesn't know
where he will go...

His mind says right
his heart contradicts
Let's leave it on fate, a coin
his mind, the danger, it predicts

A smooth breeze is blowing
teasing, cajoling the conflicts
His hand reaches in his pocket
takes out what most, him, addicts

He takes out a cigarette
He lights up the flame
bends to light the smoke
the flame, the wind, it tames

It moves from west to east
it moves from north to south
Running away from the cigarette
running away from his mouth

The wind stops suddenly
The flame stands tall
His heart tries to light the cigarette
his mind stops and thinks of squalls

His eyes dart back to the roads around him
not knowing where to go
He thinks he cannot survive in this world
his mind is too slow

He lights the flame again
he watches it grow
He lights up his smoke, decides
to stay till he gets to know

The smoke goes down his throat
it hits them lungs
Rises up to kick the brain
and come out touching the tongue

The clouds of smoke
clear up his brain
He asks now "Are cigarettes
his boon or bane??"

He moves to his right
he turns to his left
He thinks, thinks hard
of what left him bereft

He moves around in circles
he moves around in vain
He moves and moves and moves
just to come back again

His cigarette's almost done
he throws down the butt
He still stands at the crossroad
he has an idea, but

He'll stand
at the crossroad
until he gets to know
which way's the best to go

I'll stand
at the crossroad
till I find
a place to go......