The End...

The End.
The End of War.
The End of Hatred.
The End of Jealousy.
But Then
The End of Peace.
The End of Harmony.
The End of Happiness.
The End of Love.
The End of a Life...........????
Does it have to be?
Is it justified?
The world is dynamic............
and everything ever-changing....
and ever-evolving...............
Everything that starts
has to end......
and sittin here i just cant pretend.....
that the love tht once grew in my heart,
for a lady so full of beauty,
whose love be greater than that of Hera,
whose divinity beyond compare,
whose innocence i thot wuld never end,
would never end.
or rather be forcefully ended...
by none but her whose heart had not yet mended......
the things tht she suffered from nd styl does suffer
i could only imagine.....
In search for true love she set out.....
knowing that she walks on a road....
where thorns guard the roses......
more heavily than trojans did troy...
and tricks nd treachery hv corrupted
tht sacred path of hapiness and joy.......
on search did she embark.......
nd made her soft heart stark......
made darkness her frnd for lyf...
tho she did keep a hope alive....
w8in for her personal jesus ......
loving all of them in purest way......
shattered her dreams were....her heart did sway...
didn't she want it all to end......
like days and plays and fashions nd trends......
My love for her grew even more.....
wht clicked my mind i'm styl not sure......
her protection became the reason....
to life my true lyf tht now did start......
only to end nd tear me apart........
the end of her sadism is accpted and hapened wht shuld......
but ends are also faced by the good.......
My story ended in heaps of misery..........
lies wht is a grave covered with ashes........

and now.......the end of another year........why does it all have to end????


R A R A said...

lovely poem!

rakee said...
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Wielder of Rotten Tomatoes said...

All this for a girl?

Matangi Mawley said...

good poetry!